New features: multiple responders, escalation delay, IP filter for private status pages, edit uptime history

Birol Yildiz
September 21, 2022
Table of Contents:

This post highlights some of the features and improvements that we have released in the last 3 months. If you want to submit your own ideas or vote on existing feature requests, you can now use our new public roadmap at


  1. Multiple responders
  2. Escalation delay
  3. IP filters for your private status page
  4. Edit your uptime history
  5. Get notified by telegram
  6. Other improvements

Multiple Responders

In some cases it makes sense to assign an alert to several responders. For example, if several people should be informed about an event at the same time or also if you want to add another person as support to an ongoing alert. Adding multiple responders to an alert:

To add additional recipients to an alert, you can simply select additional users per escalation level in the escalation policies. Or add another person to an ongoing alert for support. As shown in the video above.

Escalation Delay

Have you ever been paged about an alert that quickly resolved itself? That doesn't really make sense, does it?

With our latest feature, we want to prevent just that. Thanks to Escalation Delay, you can delay the start the escalation process in the escalation policy.

If an alert is created and resolved before the defined delay has passed, iLert will not notify anyone. The delay is specified in minutes and can be up to 60 minutes.

IP Filter for private status pages

Ever  wanted to share your private status pages internally or with your customers without bothering about user credentials? We have now implemented an IP filter for this purpose.

With the IP filter for private status pages, you can easily make your status pages accessible to all employees in your company or even to certain customers. This way all important stakeholders can see the status of your services without an extra login. To use the IP filter, open the status pages settings and check the "Enable IP whitelist" box. Now you can add one or more IP addresses.

Make historical uptime editable

Have you ever had a long lasting outage, because you forgot to resolve an incident? Nasty, isn't it? We now have a solution for this.

Thanks to our latest feature, you can easily overwrite an historical outage records.

1. Go to the settings of the service whose uptime is not being reported correctly.

2. Hover over the day with the incorrectly reported outages in the uptime graph

3. Click the Edit button and add an override with the correct service status.

Bam! Outage overwritten.

New notification channel: Telegram

Are you annoyed by the mean sound of your on-call phone?

We've got you covered. With our latest chat integrations, you can make sure you never hear the annoying ring of your on-call phone again.

Instead, use our latest channel on Telegram Messenger.

Other improvements

  • Our iLert Terraform provider now supports on-call schedules and multiple responders
  • Grafana integration: we have updated our Grafana integration to support V9. No changes are required in your iLert alert source. Once you update your Grafana version, your existing iLert Grafana integration will continue working
  • Status page incident history: you can now chose to display historical incidents that are older than 14 days in your status page

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