
ChatOps for Incident Management

Collaborate on incidents in Slack or Microsoft Teams and create AI-assisted postmortems in no time.

Prepare for a coordinated incident response in Microsoft Teams or Slack

Create dedicated channels and video conferences for major incidents, coordinate response, communicate with stakeholders and update your status page without leaving your chat tool.

Incident channel created in Slack
SRE team paged
Status page updated
Added more responders
Increased capacity

Real-time collaboration & dedicated incident channels

Ensure efficient team responses in the event of an incident with our real-time collaboration feature. Gather your team members in a shared chat room or video conference to discuss the issue, share findings and coordinate the response.

Icons SlackIcon Microsoft Teams
Window: Report incidents right from Slack

Let any user report incidents from your chat tool

Let any user (even without an ilert account) report incidents from Slack or Microsoft Teams using pre-configured alert sources per channel. That way, any team provide a controlled way to report issues regarding the services they provide in their team channel.

AI-assisted post-mortems

Every message in the chat channel is logged, providing automatic documentation of the entire incident process. Use this invaluable resource along with the automated alert timeline for post-incident reviews or post-mortems to gain insights into the incident and identify areas for future improvement. With ilert’s AI-assited post-mortems, dissect your chat conversations and understand what went right.

Execute alert actions

Execute alert actions directly form the chat interface. From reverting a commit to running diagnostic commands or manipulating infrastructure, reduce context switching and expedite incident resolution without ever leacing the chat interface.

Check who is on-call

Use a simple command and look who is on call right in the chat. This feature can be used by users even without ilert account.

Run incidents end-to-end, all in one platform.

Manage every stage of the incident response lifecycle in ilert. Prepare, respond, communicate and learn from every incident.

Prepare for anything.

From minor glitches to major system failures, incidents are inevitable. That's why we've developed a proactive approach to help your team prepare for the unexpected. Our advanced alerting systems and on-call management tools ensure that you're always ready, 24/7. Seamlessly establish incident protocols, create on-call schedules, and set up automated alerts and escalation to prepare for incidents.

Respond swiftly.

When incidents strike, every second counts. Our platform empowers your on-call team to jump into action at a moment's notice. Through integrated coordination and communication features, we ensure rapid containment and swift response to incidents.

Communicate effectively.

Transparent communication is essential during incidents. Our automated status page updates ensure that your users are kept in the loop at all times. From the moment an incident is identified to its final resolution, your customers and internal stakeholders are informed, maintaining trust and reducing the burden on your customer support team.

Learn and improve.

The end of an incident should be the beginning of learning. Our platform's post-incident analysis and reporting tools enable your team to learn from every incident. Comprehensive timelines, response details gathered from chat channel, and resolution times facilitate a deep understanding of areas for improvement. Utilize templated post-mortem reports to share key findings and transform every challenge into an opportunity for growth.

Ready to elevate your incident management?
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